​Wednesday, 11th, Bible Study (1:00 PM) I am the light of the world - John-8-12
Saturday, 14th - Men's Breakfast (9:00 AM)
Wednesday, 18th, Bible Study (1:00 PM) I am the door - John 10 - 1-10
Sunday 22nd - Guest speaker: Pastor Charlene Gauthier
Wednesday, 25th, Bible Study (1:00 PM) I am the Good Shepherd - John 10 - 11-16
Sunday, 29th - Guest speaker: Jeff Futers from First Century Foundation
Wednesday, 2nd, Bible Study (1:00 PM) I am the resurrection and the Life - John - 11-17-44
Saturday, 5th - National Day of Prayer here at Hillside - (10 AM)
Wednesday, 9th - Bible Study (1:00 PM) I am the way, truth and life - John - 14 - 1-10
Saturday, 12th - Men's Breakfast - (9 AM)
Sunday, 13th - Guest speaker: Jorge Melo (PAOC Missionary to the Azores)
Wednesday, 16th - Bible Study (1:00 PM) I am the true vine - John - 15-1-11
Sunday, 27th - Guest speaker: Joe Amaral (Hope for Liberia)
Sunday, 3rd - Teen Challenge - Overcoming alcohol and drug addictions
Sunday, 1st - Naomi Bristol - Foodbank Fundraiser (tickets will be available soon)
Tuesday, 24th - Christmas Eve Service - 6:00 PM